Background and Status
In late 2007, some leaders in the Flashlight Industry decided that it would be a good idea to develop an ANSI Industry standard to measure basic Flashlight performance standards. The growth of LED development in the Flashlight category also promoted a flood of goods that were cheap, inferior and had widely misrepresented product performance claims.
The goal was to formulate a standard that can help provide clarity and accountability to our industry as a whole and that is scientifically based. The standard would not be intended to cover every potential application and measurement, rather focus on the basic performance measures that were applicable and of general interest to consumers across many classes of trade.
A Flashlight Standards Committee (FSC) was established made up of Flashlight Industry leaders, and NEMA (North American Electrical Manufacturers Association) was hired to facilitate meetings and develop the final paper that would be developed and submitted to ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
Fast forward to today
Numerous meetings and teleconferences were held by members of the FSC to debate performance standard criteria and test procedures to support and verify these claims.
Icons to demonstrate the performance and results were developed and voted on. On August 17, 2009 NEMA submitted the FSC Standards recommendation to ANSI for their review and approval. On August 18, 2009 the FL1 Standard was approved and became an official document.
Today the ANSI/NEMA FL1 Standard addresses six different performance measurements and establishes a constant baseline to report measurements.